Assuming your party is experienced and only require a tank with multiple reliable blocks to ensure minimal risk of failure, majority of your actions will be based on the scepter auto-attack. The end of the auto-attack chain Ether Clone procs Illusionary Inspiration to provide heals and empower your shatter skills. Aegis and Stability are available on demand.

This build is has low physical complexity, has very few repetitions and is functional in instanced content, especially for new players wanting to volunteer for learning tank roles. You may find that the tanking ability is superior to other classes but relying on scepter alone without proper planning may result in mediocre healing. While this guide assumes no weapon swap is needed, to maximise its heal utility, you may consider swapping to rifle.


All ArmorMinstrel's Superior Rune of the Rebirth
Scepter (MH)Minstrel's Superior Sigil of Concentration
Shield (OH)Minstrel's Superior Sigil of Transference
All TrinketsMinstrel'sN/A
RelicN/A Relic of the Flock

Consider rifle for additional healing and focus for additional CC/pulls.

Note: Weapon swap to rifle is optional, but shield is better used for tanking. Alternate weapon sets should be prioritised based on utility requirements.


Budget Options




Swap to stretched time for Alacrity instead of Quickness

Rotation and Utilities

Firstly, do not panic. Chronomancer is an easy but brainy class to play. A lot of mechanics are invisible and running in the backend.


You may wish to adapt an opener into your rotation for initial quickness. Time warp is also useful for initial quickness.

The methods of executing your opener is non-exhaustive and you will find new ways that will suit your own playstyle. Many opener variations may include utilities but generally fulfil the following purpose

  1. Generate Alacrity/Quickness with minimal downtime.
  2. Stack might right at the start of the fight
  3. Provide essential boons required for the particular encounter.
  4. Provide boons that are missing from the subgroup.

An example opener would be

  1. F5 Tides of Time
  2. F1-F4 All your shatter skills
  3. With clones, you may be able to double cast Tides of Time (Shield 5) which translates to faster stacking of might stacks. The above is used due to easy execution, instant alacrity/quickness and early might, fury, protection, resistance, stability, regeneration and vigor.

Principles of generating Alacrity/Quickness

  1. Generate Clones using autos - Ether Clone.
  2. Use shatter skills when clones are full to heal allies and grant alacrity/quickness.

In an experienced group, assuming you have a herald, players who avoid damage and are expert at mechanics, these two steps are the core foundation of your build. Your last attack on the auto chain generates clones so you won't have enough quickness if you don't finish the auto chains. Nobody actually watches the chain but you know you need to auto when your clones are not coming. The rotation for quickness and alacrity is the same. You need to reserve backup when you can't generate clones or give boons. That's what the utilities are for.

Maintenance Heals

  1. Clone generation provides a small but steady heal.
  2. Shattering clones provides a more sizeable heal.

Burst Heals

  1. Reserve the use of your wells if you can anticipate a large attack (eg. VG greens)
  2. Use your Mantra of Recovery as your emergency heal.[1]
  3. Your shatter skills provide significant heals even without clones.[2]
  4. Additional Mantras can be used in place of wells for very mobile fights.

Crowd Control

  1. You have decent CC by just using Tides of Time (Shield 5).
  2. Diversion (Shatter F3) provides a small CC.
  3. You can bring Signet of Humility (Elite) for a mega CC.
  4. You can bring Gravity Well (Elite) for a sizeable CC with other beneficial effects.

Tanking Rotation

  1. Cycle between your blocks
    • Illusionary Counter
    • Echo of Memory -> Deja Vu
    • Well of Precognition
  2. Group Aegis can also be used but reserve it when it is absolutely required.

Other utilities and trait combos

  1. Bring Phantasmal Disenchanter / Arcane Thievery for boon strips.
  2. You may take Master of Manipulation for more/backup group aegis.
  3. Advanced strategies can be used with Mimic to duplicate skills for example:
    • Multi-feedback
    • Multi-blink
  4. Advanced strategies can be used with Continuum Split to duplicate skills for example:
    • Double Conjured Slash
    • Double Moa CC
  5. More advanced strategies can be used by combining Mimic and Continuum Split


Raid Ready

  1. W1 Vale Guardian - Use wells just before greens. This allows heals to come in right after green triggers. You can also use Well of Precognition to shield allies against teleport circles. Phantasmal Disenchanter and Arcane Thievery can strip boons off the Blue Guardian.
  2. W1 Gorseval - Start with initial stability which protects against the initial swipe. Subsequently, face the boss away from your group. Mantra of Concentration is also useful here.
  3. W1 Sabetha - You can teleport through flame wall with Blink. You have lots of CC options for Knuckles.
  4. W2 Slothasor - You need steady condition cleanses so spread the use of your shatters. Swapping to rifle is useful to heal players dropping poisons who are out of reach, bonus points if you can port them back to the group (coordination is difficult). Into the Void is often used to deal with slublings.
  5. W2 Matthias - Bring Feedback for reflects but if you are short of them, you can use Mimic to reset them. You have lots of CC options, but you may want to preserve Signet of Humility (Elite) when sacrifice mechanic is about to fail. The focus reflect options are too clunky to be reliable on this fight.
  6. W3 Escort - Most Chrono Tanks can swap to become a Tower Chrono. This is a niche build and not covered in this guide.
  7. W3 Twisted Castle - You may wish to attempt the button with the statues (left split). In this case after the double doors, use Echo of Memory immediately after entering and face them as they will throw hammers, then Blink to the next button. More skips can be done with an elementalist pair combo using Fiery Greatsword and clever use of portals and blink.
  8. W3 Xera - You are likely to tank this fight. This fight is mostly based on positioning. Into the Void (Focus Pull 4) is useful when tanking as it allows your team to cleave them more easily.
  9. W4 Cairn - Stability is required for skipping greens. Bring Well of Precognition and Mantra of Concentration.
  10. W4 Mursaat Overseer - Improved alacrity will allow you to claim tiles faster than other class. Using Continuum Split to duplicate Claim will allow you to claim tiles even faster, especially useful in CM.
  11. W4 Samarog - Try to bait as tank as much as possible. You can pre-cast your CC such as Tides of Time (Shield 5) before he pins you down (health bar indicator).
  12. W4 Deimos - Group Aegis is useful on CM. I prefer to Group Aegis before casting a Channeled block. You can also use manipulations for group aegis.
  13. W5 Soulless Horror - You will be tanking this fight and would definitely appreciate the added toughness. Bring Signet of Humility for this fight for the additional CC. Continuum Split has killed many Chrono Tanks in this fight so spatial awareness is important.
  14. W5 Dhuum - You will be tanking this fight and may need to do greens. If you do greens, Blink will be useful.
  15. W6 Conjured Amalgamate - You can CC multiple shields with Tides of Time (Shield 5) and Gravity Well. Conjured Slash can be duplicated with Continuum Split but you must click fast.
  16. W6 Twin Largos - This is a very mobile and difficult fight and you can mis-time your wells. However, Chronomancer is one of the best classes to take on either lanes.
  17. W6 Qadim - You have lots of CC options, some of which can be pre-casted for the mini bosses. You will need to tank one of the wyverns. Most of the time you will be bringing Portal Entre for the split phase and jumping puzzle.
  18. W7 Sabir - With clever use of Continuum Split, you can generate enough CC to break the bar during the 'coordinated' phase.
  19. W7 Adina - Tank on the grass. Just alternating your three blocks is enough. Feedback can be duplicated with Continuum Split and Mimic. For most groups, a 4th projectile block is not required but in case your options are exhausted, Phantasmal Warden. Temporal Curtain (Focus 4) may fail to block projectiles due to height limitations and you will need to sacrifice a trait.
  20. W7 QtP - You will be tanking this fight. If you bring Portal Entre and {{ skill(id="10200"), you can function as the backup pylon kiter in training runs.

  1. You can overheal using  Relic of the Flock. This generates barrier but has an ICD so you want to spread your casts. ↩

  2. Using all your shatters in panic without clones will destroy your boon uptime. ↩