Nature Magic Ranger

AW2 April 07, 2022

This LI Core Ranger build has good variation, allowing for greatsword mobility, longbow range, or axe dps.

Tier Notes

Start at 1, work your way down the list.

  1. Auto attack and use (axes) or (greatsword or longbow)
  2. As in 1, + (axes) or (gs, use after 2) or (longbow)
  3. As in 2, + or (longbow)

If comfortable with the above, consider dropping for .

Traits and Skills


Juvenile Smokescale
Juvenile Jacaranda



Marauder can be replaced by Berserker, Knight, or Soldier, though soldier and knight will perform considerably worse. Sigil of Blood can provide an extra 200 hp/s. Axe/Axe, Longbow, and Greatsword all work. If using Longbow take "Lead the Wind" in Marksmanship for piercing.

Other References

This build may also be viewed at gw2skills