Caution: this build was created for the previous October 2024 balance patch. It may perform better or worse than how it is described here.

This build uses 7 key skills in its rotation without weapon swap. With only 2 short bow skills Sevenshot and Bloodbane Path, this build avoids high energy skills in Mallyx, allowing energy management to frequently trigger torment through Embrace the Darkness. The ranged nature of the build allows higher damage uptime, less button presses and the relics and sigils are focused on stacking as much torment as possible. Originally build for bow, the build has now been updated to include spear in its rotation.

Gearing and Consumables

Optimised Loadout GW2Skills Link

ArmorViper's Superior Rune of the Trapper
Short BowViper's Superior Sigil of Malice
 Superior Sigil of Torment
SpearViper's Superior Sigil of Malice
 Superior Sigil of Torment[1]
TrinketsViper's Relic of the Fractal

Short Bow/Spear and Spear/Spear are the most popular loadouts.

Weapon Alternatives

  1. Mace/Axe - This does more damage in theory than bow. However, in practice, the melee range may cause you to miss hits, thus swapping to bow/spear is useful. In light of the JW update, spears have now overshadowed mace.
  2. Staff - This may be used for large amounts of CC, but is detrimental to your DPS. This is to be used situationally only and is strongly not recommended.




Trait Alternatives

The equipment stats are fairly similar to the that of SnowCrows with selection of different sigils. If you would like to incorporate weapon swaps into your rotation and optimise your damage, refer to the SnowCrows guide.


Generating Quickness in Glint

  1. Facet of Chaos (upkeep, precast)
  2. Facet of Darkness (upkeep, opener)

You will automatically generate quickness through Elevated Compassion

Consuming skills (on cooldown)

  1. Facet of Strength -> Burst of Strength
  2. Facet of Elements -> Elemental Blast (Ground Targeted) Swap to Legendary Demon Stance after consuming strength second time.

Generating Quickness in Mallyx

  1. Embrace the Darkness (upkeep) Swap to Legendary Dragon Stance when out of energy,

Weapon Rotation

Short Bow
  1. Bloodbane Path (Short Bow 2)
  2. Sevenshot (Short Bow 3) Use 2/3 off cooldown. If you end up having excess energy because you messed up your rotation, you can use Spiritcrush Bow 4. However if executed properly, this is a very energy hungry build and you should not have enough. If you are forced into range and may have damage downtime/narrow windows such that you cannot maintain stacks of Crushing Abyss, bow would be your default weapon. Bow also has a shorter ramp up time.
  1. Abyssal Force (Spear 2)
  2. Abyssal Raze (Spear 5) Use 2/5 off cooldown. Autos will lower the cooldown of Abyssal Raze, but also requires your attacks to hit. If there is a wide open damage window, spear is your weapon of choice. Legend swaps count as swaps for sigils but does not trigger Abyssal Raze. Spears offer the highest DPS at the time of writing.
  1. Searing Fissure (Mace 2)
  2. Echoing Eruption (Mace 3) Use 2/3 off cooldown. If you end up having excess energy because you messed up your rotation, you can use Temporal Rift (Axe 5). However if executed properly, this is a very energy hungry build and you should not have enough.

The above skills 1-5 occur in a loop while weapon skills are available on all stances and can be performed anytime.

Optional Support

True Nature (on cooldown) This skill is not necessary to upkeep quickness and is neglible to DPS. However it can extend other boons and is thus included to assist your healer.



  1. Scorchrazor is always available (Short Bow 5)
  2. Abyssal Blot is always available (Spear 4)
  3. Temporal Rift is always available (Axe 5)
  4. Call to Anguish is available in Mallyx
  5. Chaotic Release is available in Glint You may bring a staff if you really need a strong CC

Sustain and Stunbreaks

  1. Gaze of Darkness is available in Glint
  2. This build heals through Elevated Compassion
  3. You have protection for yourself and your subgroup when in Glint


Coming Soon

  1. While it's possible to play this build solo, spear will not trigger enough bleeds in a solo environment to proc the relic.  Relic of the Aristocracy and  Relic of Akeem are possible alternatives. ↩