
Simple, step based rotation with most of your damage in Fire Attunement.

The concept of this build is to stay in Fire Attunement as much as possible, while swapping to Air Attunement both to fill in some of the down time and to upkeep  Relic of Fireworks.

This build does ~17.5% of your total damage in Burning, which is unusual for a Power based DPS build, but not enough for us to consider it Hybrid.


Berserker's Flame Legion
Berserker's Flame Legion
Berserker's Flame Legion
Berserker's Flame Legion
Berserker's Flame Legion
Berserker's Flame Legion
Scepter Berserker's Force
Warhorn Berserker's Accuracy

Back item Berserker's
Amulet Berserker's
Accessory Assassin's
Accessory Berserker's
Ring Assassin's
Ring Berserker's
Relic Fireworks



Your rotation consists of a precasted opener, a Fire Attunement priority, and an Air Attunement priority:

Precasted Opener:

  1. Start in Fire Attunement
  2. Glyph of Elementals
  3. Air Attunement
  4. Overload Air

Fire Attunement Priority:

  1. Overload Fire
  2. Wildfire (Warhorn Fire 5)
  3. Dragon's Tooth (Scepter Fire 2)
  4. Phoenix (Scepter Fire 3)
  5. Firestorm ( Glyph of Storms in Fire Attunement)

Air Attunement Priority:

  1. Overload Air
  2. Lightning Strike (Scepter Air 2)
  3. Lightning Orb (Warhorn Air 5)

Try to always start with your Precasted Opener, before entering your main attunement looping below. As much as possible you want to hit your precast Overload Air, but that is not always possible on all bosses. If you do not have enough time for your full precast, start in Air Attunement, precast Overload Air as you are running towards the boss, and continue the rotation from there, casting Glyph of Elementals in your first Fire Attunement loop. You can refer to the provided video rotation for an example of this precast.

Main Attunement Loop:

  1. Fire Attunement
  2. Air Attunement

You should repeatedly swap betwen these 2 attunements as soon as they are off cooldown, while following the priority list for each attunement when you are in that attunement. Following this logic, you will maximise uptime in both Fire Attunement and  Relic of Fireworks. You should also:

Cast Off Cooldown:

  1. "Feel the Burn!"
  2. Flame Barrage

All of these skills have no cast time and can be cast anytime, even during Overload Fire or Overload Air.

Crowd Control

Your CC skills are:

  1. Blinding Flash (Scepter Air 3)
  2. Cyclone (Warhorn Air 4)
  3. Tidal Surge (Warhorn Water 4)
  4. Dust Devil (Scepter Earth 3)
  5. Dust Storm (Warhorn Earth 5)

Blinding Flash (Scepter Air 3) and Cyclone (Warhorn Air 4) will be on your bar whenever you are in Air Attunement, and you can insert either of the below:

  1. Water Attunement 2 3 4
  2. Earth Attunement 3 5

into your rotation between either of Fire Attunement or Air Attunement if you need to do CC, with a preference of Water Attunement 2 3 4 over Earth Attunement 3 5.

Rotation Recovery

While you are starting off, you might find that your rotation desyncs and you are no longer able to enter Fire Attunement or Air Attunement at the same point in every rotation, causing you to lose uptime in Fire Attunement, reducing your damage done.

To recover your rotation, simply perform the Fire Attunement part of your rotation, and enter Air Attunement when the cooldown of your Overload Fire hits 9 seconds. Note that this is referring to the number 9 appearing on your skill, the actual cooldown will be shorter than 9 seconds if you have Alacrity.

If Air Attunement is still on cooldown when Overload Fire hits 9 seconds, stay in Fire Attunement, do NOT use Overload Fire if it comes off cooldown, and enter Air Attunement as soon as it is off cooldown. Fully cast 1 Overload Air, swap back to Fire Attunement, and you will be synced back up again.
